There are 3 ways to view more information about an item when it has been added to a sale:

1. Detail Pane

When an item is added to a sale, the Detail pane on the right-hand side of the screen updates with many types of information about the item in several expanding layers: 

  • Detail Information:  This area shows a variety of details about the selected item (e.g. UPC, Brand, Branch Qty, Total on Order in POs, if it is Linked to another item, etc.). 

  • Item Image:  If an item image is available, it will display here. 

  • Related Items:  If an item is added to a sale that is associated to a Companion Sales Group, a list of companion items will appear in the Related Items area that can be easily added to the sale.  Simply select the checkbox beside the desired item(s) and click the Add to Selected Transaction button

2. Item Detail

To view more in-depth info about an item, right-click it on the transaction and select Item Detail

The Item Detail window will open, displaying info in 3 tabs:

  • General Information:  Displays high-level information from the item's inventory record, such as classification (UPC, Dept. Code, etc.) and pricing details. 
  • Other Information:  Displays various order history and turns information.
  • Quantity Information:  Displays the quantity of items in all inventory locations (e.g. new, damaged, etc.). 

3. Item Quantity Detail By Branch: 

To view quantity info for an item, right-click it on the transaction and select Item Quantity Detail by Branch.

[NOTE:  This screen can also be accessed by clicking the Company Quantity link within the Detail Information area of the Detail pane.]

This screen shows how the item’s quantity is distributed across branches.