Once an item is added to a sale, you can quickly edit its details (e.g. quantity, price, etc.): 

[NOTE:  Not all users have permissions to alter pricing – different levels of permissions are generally set (e.g. allow discounting, allow selling at zero dollar, no discounts, etc.). Maplewave recommends that any discounts and tax exemptions are conducted during tendering at the transaction-level, not the item-level.]

  1. Double-click the item, or right-click it and select Edit Item.

[NOTE:  Select Delete Item to remove the item from the transaction.] 

      2. The Edit Item window will open.  Update the field(s) as required (e.g. Quantity, Unit Price, etc.), then click OK

[NOTE:  Click the Discount button beside the Unit Price field to apply a discount based on a total percentage or profit margin.  Simply select the desired option, fill out any applicable fields, then click OK.]