Aria’s Suspended Sales functionality allows a sale to be paused and completed later that same day.

For example, a suspended sale allows clerks to begin the order, then pause it to send it to the finance department for completion.  Or a cellular store may use suspended sales to begin a sale and then tender it after activation.

To process a suspended sale:

  1. Navigate to the POS module and Add the Customer and the Item(s) to the sale, as normal.  

  2. Instead of clicking the Checkout button to tender the sale, select the Save icon

      3. A menu will appear.  Click the Suspend button.

      4. An order number will generate.  You are given the option to print a summary of the transaction if you wish.

Complete a Suspended Sale

To complete a suspended sale:

  1. From the POS module, select the Transactions in Progress button from the top navigation bar.

[NOTE:  If you do not see this module, it means it is not enabled for your organization.]

      2. The Transactions in Progress screen will open.  Select the suspended transaction from the list of transactions provided, then click the Edit icon

      3. The sale will load in the Transaction screen where it can be Tendered, as normal.