There are 2 steps to cash balancing – this article describes the process of how to conduct a physical count of money in your till.  You will then run the Tender Transaction report to compare it to the results of your physical count. 

[NOTE:  Refer to Cash Balance – Tender Transaction Report for details on running the Tender Transaction report.]

When you are ready to conduct the physical count of money in your till:

  1. Click the Tools menu from the top navigation bar and select Other Functions, then Cash Balance

      2. The Cash Balance screen will open, reflecting the tenders configured for your organization.  Select the Cash Tender Detail button.

      3. The Tender Detail – Cash window will open.  Remove the float from your till and count your cash. Then enter the quantity of each denomination in the appropriate fields.  Click the Submit button once complete.  

      4. The Cash field on the Cash Balance window updates with the total.  Next, total the amount of cheques within your till. Enter this amount in the Cheque field

      5. Next, close out your debit/credit card processing machine, get your totals for and debit and credit card transactions, then enter these totals in the applicable fields on the Cash Balance window.  Click OK once all fields have been completed.  

      6. The report is automatically submitted for printing.  Aria will prompt you to select the type of printer for the report:

      7. If you are asked if you would like to use the default printer, click OK.

      8. The Cash Balance Report will display in a print preview window where you can either print it or save it as a file on your computer.

      9. The final step in cash balancing is to run the Tender Transaction Report so that it can be compared to the results of your physical count.