The INV Serial Movement History report allows you to view the history of a serial by tracking its movements from the time it was first received into stock.  This can help in investigating the following types of issues: 

  • Serial is not found on a sale. 
  • Serial is not able to be sold. 
  • Serial is on an open transfer, which is causing issues in selling it. 
  • Shelf count issues with missing serials or having extra serials in stock. 

[NOTE:  This includes standard movement types (i.e. receipt of PO, POS transactions, stock transfers or adjustments made during the shelf count process) and non-standard movements (i.e. in fast-paced retail environments, stock is needed quickly so POs may not be received in the usual manner).] 

To run the INV Serial Movement History Report:

  1. Navigate to the Tools menu, then follow this pathway: 

Other Functions --> Custom Report --> INV Serial Movement History 

      2. The INV Serial Movement History Filters prompt will open.  Uncheck the Range of Serial Number checkbox to reveal 2 hidden fields.  Enter the desired serial into both fields, then click OK to generate the report (this process may take a few minutes). 

      3. The INV Serial Movement History report will open for the serial being tracked.  The first entry reflects when the serial was received into stock – any other entries reflect subsequent movements since that time.  The report columns listed are as follows:  

  • Date:  The date/time associated with the movement of the serial. 
  • Move Type:  Reflects any adjustments made due to standard/nonstandard movements. 
  • Item#:  The item number associated with the serial.  
  • S (-):  The source of the serial movement. 
  • Folio:  The folio # associated with the PO or transaction. 
  • Fr (-) and To (-):  Reflect when the serial is added to/removed from the New location (i.e. generally location A), and when the serial is not in stock. 
  • Rep:  The clerk that processed the transaction. 
  • Client#:  The client record number associated with the transaction (if applicable).


[NOTE:  If no details are found for the serial, it indicates the Dealer did not receive the serial into stock.] 

      4. When tracking a serial’s movements, you must view the following columns in conjunction with each other to determine the serial’s current location:  

  • Move Type:  Will indicate Receive, Reg. Sale, Manual or Zero Adjustment – refer to the below table for details.  

  • S (-):   View with the Movement Type to determine the source of the movement – refer to the below table for details.  

  • Fr (-) & To (-):  To determine the current whereabouts of the serial, refer to the most recent status in the To location column:
    • If an Inventory Location Indicated:  The serial should be in that location. 
    • If is Indicated:  The serial is no longer in the system (i.e. it is ‘outside’ the store).   

Movement Type

Source of Movement

S (-) Column

Receive:  Serial received into stock

PO Receive:  Serial received on PO.

Will reflect P & o

Manual Adjustment:  Serial manually received via Manual Receive quick-option.

Will reflect M & a

Order Reservation:  Serial reserved for an order (i.e. item ordered for customer).

Will reflect O & r

RMA Receive:  Serial received back into stock when RMA completed.

Will reflect R & m

Reg. Sale:  Serial moved due to POS transaction

Serial sold to a customer, serial returned, etc. – to determine the serial’s whereabouts, you must refer to the Fr (-) & To (-) location columns. 

Will reflect 1 & -

Manual:  Serial adjusted (manually by user or automatically by system)

User Cost Change:  Serial’s cost manually changed. 

Will reflect C & c

Quick Serial: Serial manually moved to another location by user via Move Serial quick-option.

Will reflect & s

Manual Adjustment:  Serial manually adjusted by user as quick fix.

Will reflect M & a

New OE (Order Entry) Reserve:  Serial manually reserved for order by user via new OE process. 

Will reflect o & R

Order Reservation:  Serial reserved for order (i.e. item ordered for customer).

Will reflect & r

Quantity Error Adjustment:  An automated intervention when the serial is not at the proper location or branch. 

Will reflect Q & a

Serial Reduction:  Serial’s cost reduced manually by user via Change Cost quick-option.

Will reflect S & r

Shelf Count Batch:  Adjustment due to shelf count batch update.

Will reflect S & c

Stock Transfer Batch:  Adjustment due to stock transfer batch update. 

Will reflect S & t

Zero Adjustment

The item went into a negative quantity and stock was received afterwards to correct – system made an adjustment to correct.    

Will reflect & c

Example:  In the following example, the New location is configured as location A, with any returns/exchanges also going to location A

  1. Serial received on PO #6491 on 4/6/17 and is in the A location. 
  2. Serial sold on folio 755837 on 5/8/17 and is no longer in the system. 
  3. Serial returned on folio 756107 on 5/8/17 and is back in A location. 
  4. Serial sold again on folio 767264 on 6/5/17 and is no longer in the system.


[NOTE:  In some cases, you may have the serial on-hand even though the report is reflecting it is not in the system.  Use due diligence – it is possible the last sale of the serial was not valid or that an incorrect serial was scanned for the sale.   A shelf count can be performed to reveal the proper serial numbers found within the branch.]