If you receive a “Serial Bad Location Branch #.  This Type of Location is Set as Non-Sellable in Inventory Company Defaults.  You Can’t Sell from This Type of Location” error message upon attempting to add the serial for a serialized item to the sale, it means the serial was added to a Branch Transfer that has not yet been received/completed. 

If you receive this error message, follow these steps:  

  1. The first step is to run the Serial Movement History Report for the serial to view the exact movements of the serial in question.

  2. From the Serial Movement History report, obtain the Transfer Batch number along with the Sending Branch (i.e. the branch that sent the transfer) and Receiving Branch (i.e. the branch that still needs to receive the transfer).

  3. Then refer to the appropriate section below depending on if you are the Sending Branch, the Receiving Branch, or neither the Sending or Receiving Branch.    

If You Are the Sending Branch

You can use the Undo Send feature to reverse the transfer so that you can sell the serial: 

  1. From the POS module, select the Stock Control button from the top navigation bar. 

      2. The Stock Control menu will open.  Select the Transfer heading to expand it, then click Undo Send

      3. The Select Transfer window will open – highlight the transfer to reverse, then click OK.  

      4. The transfer will load on the Transaction screen – click the Undo button from the bottom navigation bar.  The entire transfer will be reversed, and all inventory items will be returned to their original locations.  This will allow you to sell the serial.   

If You Are the Receiving Branch

You must receive the serial so that you can sell it: 

  1. From the POS module, select the Stock Control button from the top navigation bar. 

      2. The Stock Control menu will open.  Select the Transfer heading to expand it, then click the Scan Receive button. 

      3. The Select Transfer window will open – select the intended transfer to receive from the list and click OK.

      4. The transfer header item will display.  Use a handheld device to scan the serial for the item into the system. 

      5. If the stock transfer is not fully received, a parent/child transfer is created automatically.  

[NOTE:  Items that are not received remain on the original parent transfer, which can be received later.  The child transfer contains the items that have been received.] 

      6. Click the Receive button to complete receiving – you will be prompted to confirm this action.  Once the PO has been received, you will be able to sell the serial. 

If You are Not the Sending or the Receiving Branch

If you have the serial but are not the Sending or Receiving Branch, you must contact the Sending Branch for assistance.  To resolve the issue, the Sending Branch must: 

  1. Use the Undo Send feature to reverse the transfer. 

[NOTE:  Refer to the steps outlined above in the “If You are the Sending Branch” section for details on how to do this.] 

      2. Then, if your branch was truly supposed to receive the transfer, have the Sending Branch send a new transfer to your branch for the serial.  

      3. Finally, receive the transfer – once complete, the serial will be received into your branch in Aria and you will be able to sell the serial.