To edit an existing purchase order from the POS module:

  1. Click the Stock Control button from the top navigation bar.

      2. The Stock Control menu will open.  Select the PO heading to expand it, then click Edit

      3. A list of available purchase orders will open, based on the status of the PO (i.e. only POs with an “unsent” status will display, and only POs for the branch you are logged into).  Select the desired PO from the list and click OK.

      4. The PO will open.  The PO header displays along with its associated items.  Additional items can be added, and existing items can be edited or deleted by right-clicking their line item to reveal the right-click menu options. 

      5. If Edit Item is selected, the Edit Item prompt will open – adjust the item’s details (e.g. quantity, product location, etc.) as applicable, then click OK.  

      6. If Delete Item is selected, the item will be deleted from the PO.  

      7. Once you are ready to finalize the PO, select the Send button.  Otherwise, select the Save icon to save the PO to allow for future editing.