Granting a user Dealer Overture reporting access is done via Aria’s HR module:
- Upon logging into Aria, select the HR button from the top navigation bar.
2. The HR Overview screen will open, displaying a list of users for the branch you are logged into. Locate the user to be granted Dealer Overture access and double-click their name/line item.
3. The Clerk Detail page for the selected user will open. Beneath the Reporting / Offline header in the bottom right-hand corner, set the following permissions as outlined:
- User Level Dropdown: Set to 9 – Administrator
- Branch Dropdown: Set to All Branches
- Branch Set Dropdown: Set to All
4. Click the Save icon from the bottom navigation bar to save the profile changes.
5. The user will now have access to log into and run all reports in the Dealer Overture Reporting site using the following information:
- Organization ID: The dealer’s AR client number with Maplewave.
- User ID: The user ID used to log in to Aria – this is generally in capital letters.
- Password: The password used to log in to Aria.