All Overture reports can be configured to run automatically on a schedule and saved to the Overture output location you specify:

  • Reoccurring Reports: Schedule a report to reoccur on a specific weekday, date (e.g. the first day of each month) or for a specified number of times.

  • Start Times:  An exact start time can be specified.  

  • Multiple Report Schedules:  Schedule a report to run on multiple schedules – for example, a daily, weekly, monthly and year-end version of the same report.

To schedule an Overture report: 

  1. Select Library from the top navigation bar of Overture. 

      2. The Library screen will appear with a list of reports in alphabetical order.  Right-click the desired report, then select Schedule

      3. The Scheduled Jobs page will appear.  Any previously scheduled reports will appear on this page.  Click the Create Schedule button towards the top of the page to begin.

      4. The Scheduler wizard will appear, with the New Schedule page displayed.  There are four pages of information that must be configured, represented by tabs in the top right-hand corner of the screen – refer to the below sections for details.

New Schedule Page

This is where you specify the basic job details – select the desired options, as described in the table, below, then manually select the next tab to proceed. 


Start Date

Use the On Specific Date option to select a date using the Calendar icon (or enter the date in YYYY-MM-DD format).  Use the Hour & Minute sliders to specify a start time.

Don’t select the Immediately option – this will run the report now, defeating the purpose of scheduling it.

Time Zone

Specify your time zone.


There are 2 recurrence types – select the desired option from the dropdown:

1. Simple:  For a basic recurrence – the following options can be set:

  • Repeat Every:  Defines how often the report will occur – specify a number I the first field and use the dropdown to select the time frame (e.g. every 1 day, every 1 week, etc.).  

  • Schedule End Date:  When the report will end – choose whether the report will end after a specified number of times, on a specified date, or indefinitely.  

  • Holidays:  Specify holidays the report should not run on, if desired.

2. Calendar:  This option lets you set advanced recurrence options:

  • Months:  Specify the month(s) the report will run – Every Month vs. Selected Months(s).  Hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard when selecting multiple months.  

  • Days:  Specify the day(s) the report will run – Every Day vs. Selected Day(s).  

  • Dates in Month:  Specify the day of the month the report will run – if specifying multiple dates, separate them with commas (e.g. 1, 5, 7); a date range can also be specified (e.g. 1-7).

  • Times:  Specify what time the report recurs using the Hours/Minutes fields.  Multiple times can be specified by separating the entries with commas.

  • Schedule End:  Specify an end date for the recurrence using the Calendar icon or entering the date in YYYY-MM-DD format.  Use the Hour and Minute sliders to specify an exact end time.  

  • Holidays:  Specify holidays the report should not run on, if desired.

Parameters Page

This page is where you select the parameters for the report – the filters that display will depend on the report that was selected. 

Select the desired options, then manually select the next tab to proceed. 

Output Options

This is the page where you select the output options for the report – select the desired options, as described in the table, below, then manually select the next tab to proceed. 



Output File Options

File Name:  Specify a name for the report output.

Description:  Enter a description for the report.

Time Zone:  Select your time zone for the report.

Output Locale:  Leave as default.

Formats:  Select the output format(s) (e.g. PDF, XLS, etc.).

File Handling:  2 file handling options can be selected:
  • Overwrite Files:  If selected, the report will be overwritten with new results every time the report is run.  RECOMMENDED.
  • Sequential File Names:  If you would like to create a new file every time a report is saved, check this box. 

Output Destination

Output to Repository:  Use this option to select where report files are saved.  Click Browse and expand the folders until you locate the Temp directory.  Highlight Temp and click the Selectbutton.

Output to FTP Server:  Select this option to output your results to an FTP server, then complete the provided fields.

The Test Connection button can be used to test the connection before proceeding.



This is the page where you control the various email notifications available in relation to the scheduled report job.  There are 2 main options available:  

  • Send Report When Scheduler Runs:  Use this option to send the scheduled reports to specified recipients via email.  The corresponding fields are described in the following table.  



To / CC / BCC
Specify the email addresses to send the report output to - use commas to separate multiple email addresses.

Enter a subject line for the email.  

Enter a message for the body of the email.

Report Output
Select 1 of these options for including the report:

  • Include reports as repository links in email body
  • Include report files as attachments
  • Include report files as ZIP attachment 
Include HTML Report in Email Body
Select to include the report in HTML format in the body of the email (in addition to the Report Output option selected above).  

Do Not Send Emails for Empty Reports
Select to stop an email from being sent if the report contains no data.  

  • Send Job Status Notifications:  Use this option to send an email notification when the scheduled report job succeeds or fails (e.g. in cases where the report is being uploaded to an FTP server, a Host File system, etc.).   The corresponding fields are described further in the following table.  

To / CC / BCC
Specify the email addresses to send the report output to - use commas to separate multiple email addresses.

Enter a subject line for the email.  

Send Success Notification
Select to send a notification if the scheduled job succeeds.  

Success Message
Use to specify a message for the body of the Success Notification email.  

Send Failure Notification
Select to send a notification if the scheduled job fails.  

Failure Message
Use to specify a message for the body of the Failure Notification email.  

Include Report Job Information
If a scheduled job fails, enabling this checkbox will include details of why the job failed within the failure notification.  

Include Stack Trace 
If a scheduled job fails, enabling this checkbox will include the stack trace of the error within the failure notification.  

      5. After your selections have been made in all 4 tabs, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

      6. You will be prompted to specify the following:

  • Scheduled Job Name:  Enter a name for this scheduled job.

  • Scheduled Job Description:  Enter a description for the job (this can be helpful if you are scheduling multiple instances of the same report).

      7. The report will be scheduled, and you will be returned to the Scheduled Jobs screen.  The report will now appear in the Library with a Clock icon beside it, to indicate the Scheduled Report.