The installation and setup process for the Moneris drivers and PINpads is a 4-step process:
- Install the driver for Moneris PINpad iPP320.
- Determine the COM port assigned to the PINpad by Windows.
- Ensure NRG Fast Cash has the correct COM port listed.
- Configure the Moneris Contactless Tender Authorization Method in Windterm for the PINpad.
Step #1: Install Driver for Moneris PINpad iPP320
To install the required driver for your Moneris PINpad iPP320:
- Plug the Moneris PINpad iPP320 into an open port on your computer.
- Next, click the following link to go to Moneris’ Driver and Component Downloads page:
3. From the list of downloads, click on the iPP320 USB Driver (Link updated Feb. 21st, 2018) link to download and install the driver for your Moneris PINpad iPP320.
Step #2: Determine COM Port Windows Assigned to PINpad
The next step in the process is finding out which COM port Windows automatically assigned to the PINpad – you will need this for the final step of configuring NRG Fast Cash for your PINpad:
- Select the Windows Start menu. In the Search Programs and Files field, type device manager, then press the Enter key on your keyboard.
- The Device Manager will open. Locate the Ports (COM & LPT) heading, then click on the arrow or + icon to expand it (i.e. depending on your version of Windows).
- You will see an entry for either SAGEM Telium or Ingenico Telium, with a COM port displayed in brackets after it (e.g. in the below image, it is COM7). Make note of the COM port number – you will need this in the following step.
4. If the COM port associated with SAGEM Telium or Ingenico Telium does not immediately display in the Device Manager, you can also locate it by following these steps:
- Right-click on the SAGEM Telium or Ingenico Telium driver in the Device Manager and select Properties.
- The Properties window will open. Select the Port Settings tab.
- Next, click the Advanced button.
- The COM port assigned by Windows will display at the bottom of the Window – it should only be 1 digit.
Step 3: Ensure NRG Fast Cash Displays Correct COM Port for PINpad
The next step is to ensure NRG Fast Cash is displaying the correct COM port for the PINpad:
- Click the Maintenance button upon logging into NRG Fast Cash.
2. The Maintenance menu will open. Click the Peripheral Devices option.
[NOTE: The options that appear are configured for your organization.]
3. The Peripheral Devices window will open. Check to make sure that the Ingenico COM port reflected matches the one noted in step #2 of the installation and configuration process, above (i.e. when you determined the COM port Windows assigned to the PINpad). Then, click the OK button to close the window.
Step 4: Configure the Moneris Tender Authorization Method in Windterm for the PINpad
The final step in the process is to configure the Moneris Contactless Tender Authorization Method in Windterm for the PINpad for the terminal you are using:
[NOTE: You will need the System ID (i.e. Terminal ID) from your Connection Settings in NRG Fast Cash to conduct this final step – refer to Edit NRG Fast Cash Connection Settings for details on accessing this info.]
- Log in to Windterm, then navigate to the POS Terminal Defaults table (3, 3, 1, 7).
2. The POS Terminal Defaults table (CPS_TTYS) will open. Next, you must locate the Terminal ID you are using (i.e. the System ID from your Connection Settings) within the ID # field – use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to locate and select it. Then, press the C key on your keyboard to make a change to it.
3. The POS Terminal Preferences table will open for the selected Terminal ID. Now, you must set the Tender Auth Method for the Terminal ID. Press the Tab key on your keyboard.
4. The Select Field prompt will open – using the Arrow keys on your keyboard, select the Tender Auth Method option, then press the Enter key on your keyboard.
5. The Tender Authorization Methods window will open. Use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to locate and select the 14. Moneris Contactless method. Then, press the Space Bar on your keyboard to accept the change and the Y key to save the change, as normal.
6. To confirm the change was successful, the Tender Auth Method field in the POS Terminal Preferences table should now display 8192=Mon-Contactless.