There are 2 options to add attachments to an agreement prior to submitting it when the agreement details are being confirmed:

  • Scan:  Allows an image/document to be scanned directly into the V-DCOS software. 

[NOTE:  To use this option, you must have a TWAIN-compliant scanner connected to your terminal.]

  • Attach:  Allows a document saved on your computer/network drive to be attached. 

Add Attachment via Scan Option

To scan an image/document to support the agreement:

  1. From the Confirm Agreement Details window, click the Scan button

      2. The Scan Attachment window will open, and the scanner connected to your terminal will populate – if more than 1 scanner is connected to the terminal, ensure the correct hardware is selected from the list provided.  Use the Attachment Type dropdown to categorize the document you are scanning (e.g. identification, banking info, etc.). 

      3. Place the supporting document on the scanner, then click the Scan button on the Scan Attachment window.  V-DOCS will communicate with the hardware to begin the scan.

      4. After the document is scanned, the Confirm Agreement Details window will reappear.  The scanned document will be displayed in the Scanned Images area beneath the Attachments tab.

      5. If desired, repeat this process to scan further documents to attach.  Once complete, click the Submit button from the Confirm Agreement Details window to submit the document and any scanned attachments to the V-DOCS server for storage.

Add Attachment via Scan Option

To attach an image/document to support the agreement: 

  1. From the Confirm Agreement Details window, click the Attach button

      2. The Select Attachment for Upload prompt will appear. Click the Browse button to locate the document on your computer.  

      3. Select the file and click Open.  

      4. Next, use the Attachment Type dropdown to categorize the document you are attaching (e.g. identification, banking info, etc.).  Then, click the Upload button

[NOTE:  The name of the selected file will populate in the Title field – this can be edited.] 


      5. The Confirm Agreement Details window will reappear.  The attached document will be displayed in the Attached Files area beneath the Attachments tab

      6. If desired, repeat this process to attach further documents.  Once complete, click the Submit button from the Confirm Agreement Details window to submit the document and any attachments to the server for storage.