Special Services are services and miscellaneous charges that cannot be received or tracked in inventory but that still need to be billed (e.g. ring tones, repair charges, etc.): 

  1. Click the Alternate Items button from the bottom navigation bar of the Transaction screen. 

      2. A menu will open - select Special Service.

      3. The Add Special Service menu will open – complete the following info, then click OK:  

  • Special Service:  Select the Special Service item from the list. 

[NOTE:  These are configured for your organization.]

  • Code:  Populates in accordance with the selected Special Service item.
  • Quantity:  Enter the applicable quantity of the item. 
  • Price Field:  Enter the amount of money being taken from the till.
  • Tax Fields:  Enter the required taxes for the pay-out. 
  • Coupon Types:  Select/enter coupon information (if applicable).   

      4. The item is added to the sale.  Tender the Transaction, as normal.