To create a new purchase order from the POS module

  1. Select the Stock Control button from the top navigation bar. 

      2. The Stock Control menu will open. Select the PO heading to expand it, then click the New button

      3. You will be prompted to choose the appropriate vendor.  Select the vendor from the dropdown provided, then click OK.

      4. A new tab will appear on the Transaction screen for the PO.  Next, use the Item Search feature at the bottom of the screen to add inventory items to the PO – items can be added using the same methods as a sales transaction (e.g. by item #, UPC, etc.).

      5. You will be prompted to enter the quantity for each item that is added – specify it in the field provided and click OK to add the item(s) to the PO.  

      6. Once you have finished adding items to the PO, the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen provides the following options:

  • Inquiry:  Allows you to conduct a price or quantity check.

  • Print Purchase Order:  Generates a PO sheet displaying the PO as it is currently set up – the PO will not have a PO #, catalogue info or supplier code until it is saved or sent.

  • Notes:  Allows five 40-character text fields to be added to the PO output for notes, if desired – this is often used to record the PO# provided by the supplier.

  • Save:  Saves the PO in its current state but does not lock it, allowing for later editing.  A PO sheet will print with the PO number.

  • Cancel:  Cancels the PO.

  • Send:  Finalizes the PO – you can no longer edit it once finalized.

      7. If you are ready to finalize the PO, select the Send button.  Otherwise, select the Save icon to save the PO to allow for future editing.