To apply a discount to an item: 

[NOTE:  The ability to discount transactions is permissions-based – not all users can adjust pricing.]

  1. Click the Start Sale button to begin a new transaction, as normal.  

  2. Add the item(s) to the sale, as normal.

  3. Double-click the line item of the item you wish to discount (or select the item, then click the Edit Line Item button from the list of options on the right-hand side of the screen). 

      4. The Edit Item panel will open.  Click the Disc button beside the Price field

      5. The Discount window will open.  To assist with identifying the discount amount for the item, its Cost, Selling, Retail and Unit Price will display.  Select one of the following options for the discount, specify the percentage in the provided field, then click OK:  

  • Discount Percent:  Discount the item by the percentage specified. 
  • Margin Percent:  Discount the item by the margin percentage specified. 

      6. Select the Save Changes button on the Edit Item panel to apply the discounted price.  

      7. The item will update on the sale to reflect the discount amount.  Click the Tender Sale button to Tender the Transaction, as normal.  

       8. The receipt for the transaction will reflect the discount.