A charge account allows a customer to bill purchases to their account and make payments on the account at a later point (e.g. for business clients, employee purchases, etc.): 

[NOTE:  Generally, the ability to charge to accounts is permission based and/or must be approved by a manager.  Refer to Pay on Account for information on applying payments to a charge account.] 

  1. From the Tender screen, click the Account Charge button.

[NOTE:  To charge to a customer’s account, the customer must be added to the sale first – see Add Customer to Transaction for details.]


      2. The Account Charge window will open.  By default, the total value of the sale appears in the Amount field, but this can be edited if required.  The middle portion of the window lists all accounts associated with the customer – select the account to apply the charge to, then click the OK button

      3. If the user does not have sufficient permissions to apply tenders to charge accounts, an Authorization window will appear – an authorized user (e.g. Manager, Supervisor, etc.) must enter their login credentials to approve the transaction.  

      4. You will be returned to the Tender screen – click the Transaction Finished button to complete the sale. 

[NOTE:  If only a portion of the total amount due was billed to the in-store charge account, any outstanding balance must be applied to another tender before the sale can be finalized.]