The V-DOCS process is started at the point when the PDF document is displayed in your internet browser.  Instead of printing the contract:

  1. Click the V-DOCS icon within the toolbar of your browser. 

      2. V-DOCS will launch and parse the contract information and highlight the signature and initial fields with red boxes.  If V-DOCS does not locate any signature boxes on the document, a signature box will automatically be made available and the user can click and drag it to the desired location.

[NOTE:  If there are no sign-able areas on the first page of the agreement, pressing the Home key on the keyboard will present the user with the first available signature box.]


      3. At the top of the Agreement Signing screen, there is a V-DOCS Toolbar that contains options to assist with the signing process.  To access it, simply hover your mouse over the Grey Tab at the top of the agreement. 

      4. The V-DOCS Toolbar will appear.  Refer to the table, below, for an overview of its options – most of the options also have shortcut keys. 




Shortcut Key


Up, ←Left, or Backspace

Returns the user to the previous signature box.

NOTE:  If it has already been signed, it is automatically cleared to allow the signature to be re-entered.

Down, →Right, or Enter

Takes the user to the next unsigned signature box (i.e. allowing signature boxes to be bypassed to move to the desired box).


Clears the current signature box, allowing it to be re-signed.


Adds an additional signature box to the document, which can be clicked/dragged to the desired location.

Page Up

Takes the user to the previous page of the agreement, whether it contains signature boxes or not.

Page Down

Takes the user to the next page of the agreement, whether it contains signature boxes or not.


Presents the user with the Submit Agreement prompt, whether all signature boxes have been signed or not – see step #7, below, for details.  


Cancels the signing of the agreement – the user will be prompted to confirm this action.


Locks the V-DOCS Toolbar open – clicking it for a second time allows the toolbar to close.  


Opens a new browser tab or window that displays V-DOCS Help (i.e. depending on the user’s browser and settings).

      5. Complete the required signatures on the document using your mouse, signature pad & stylus, or touch pad & stylus.  After the customer signs the first signature box, V-DOCS will automatically advance to the next signature box(es) until all boxes are signed.

      6. Signature boxes can be moved to other locations on the document if required.  Clicking a signature box will change the cursor to a 4-pointed arrow, allowing the signature box to be dragged to a new location.  

      7. Once all signature boxes have been signed, the Submit Agreement prompt will appear – select 1 of the following options:    

  • OK:  Finishes the signing process.
  • Redo:  Removes all signatures from the document and presents a fresh copy for re-signing. 
  • Add New:  Reloads the document with an additional signature box that can be dragged to the desired location on the document. 
  • Display:  Allows the document to be reviewed again before submission.


      8. Once OK is selected on the Submit Agreement prompt, the Confirm Agreement Details window will open.  This shows info that was parsed from the document, such as the customer’s name, phone number, address info, etc.  Review the information to ensure its accuracy. 

[NOTE:  Enter the customer’s email address within the Email field if they’d like to be emailed a copy of the signed contract – you will be prompted to verify the email address.]

      9. Select one of these options from the bottom of the Confirm Agreement Details window:

  • Submit:  Submits the contract to the V-DOCS server for storage.

  • Display:  Displays a signed PDF version of the document, which can be printed or saved to the local computer or network.

  • Scan:  Allows additional materials to be scanned & attached to the document if you have a TWAIN-compliant scanner – the scanning program will launch in V-DOCS.

  • Attach:  Allows additional files that are saved on your computer to be attached to the document. 

[NOTE:  Refer to Add Attachments for details.]

  • Cancel:  Cancels the signing process. 

[NOTE:  If any option other than Submit is selected, you must still select Submit once you are ready to send the document for storage.]

      10. Once Submit is selected, the signed PDF will display and can be printed for the customer, if desired.