Once the serial for a serialized item is associated to a sale, the serial is “locked”.  This prevents it from being added to multiple sales that are occurring at the same time for the same item.

In situations where a serial is added to a transaction for a serialized item, but the connection is lost mid-sale, or the POS is closed in error before the sale is completed, the serial will remain in a locked state.  If you re-attempt to add the same serial to a new sale, a “Serial Already Locked for Sale” error message will display.

If this scenario occurs, you must contact Maplewave Support to have the serial manually removed from the Serial Lock table – this will allow you the serial to be sold.  

If possible, add a new serial to complete the sale until you can contact Maplewave to unlock the previous serial.

[NOTE:  This resolution only applies to the specific scenario outlined above.  If you are simply trying to add a serial to a sale and the “Serial Already Locked for Sale” error message occurs, it means another user is already in the process of selling that serial – you will need to obtain another serial for your transaction.]