When an item is exchanged, Aria adds it to the transaction with a negative quantity and dollar value.  A new item is then added to the transaction and any balance or refund owing is calculated.  If there is no price difference between the items, no balance is owed – if there is a price difference, the remaining balance must be tendered to a payment method. 

Exchanges can be processed in several ways – refer to the below sections for details. 

[NOTE:  Positive balances represent how much the customer owes – negative balances represent the amount to be refunded.  If Local Authorization is configured and you don’t have permissions to perform the exchange, a prompt will open – a user who can authorize exchanges (e.g. Manager, Supervisor, etc.) must enter their login credentials to proceed.]

Exchange by Series/Folio Number

This exchange method is processed using the series-folio number (found on the receipt) of the transaction:  

  1. Navigate to the POS module and Add the Customer to the sale.

  2. Click the Exchange Item button from the bottom navigation bar of the Transaction screen.


      3. The Exchange Item prompt will open.  Select the Searching for a Series and Folio Number option, scan or enter the number into the provided field, then click OK

      4. The Series/Folio Detail window will open.  Click the checkbox(es) next to the item(s) to be exchanged, then click OK

      5. The selected item(s) is added to the transaction with a negative quantity and price.  Next, add the replacement item to the sale, as normal.    

      6. Click the Checkout button to Tender the Transaction.

Exchange via Customer History

Exchanges can be processed from the Customer Transaction History, which displays a list of all items purchased by the customer: 

  1. Navigate to the POS module and Add the Customer to the sale.

  2. Click the Exchange Item button from the bottom navigation bar of the Transaction screen. 

[NOTE:  You can also process an exchange directly from the History in the Customer Information area – right-click the item to be exchanged and select Exchange from the menu that appears.  Any items in red font have already been refunded/exchanged and can’t be selected.]

      3. The Exchange Item prompt will open.  Select the Listing Transactions for the Selected Customer option, then click OK.  

      4. The Exchange Item menu will open.  All items purchased by the customer will appear in a listing.  Select the checkbox beside the item(s) to be exchanged, then click OK.  

      5. The item is added to the sale with a negative quantity and price.  Next, add the replacement item to the sale, as normal.      

      6. Click the Checkout button to Tender the Transaction

Exchange by General Search

Exchanges can also be processed using a "General Search" option.  This search is conducted like an Item Search and searches the Inventory module for exchangeable items:  

[NOTE:  Use this method with caution - it doesn’t reference the original sale.]

  1. Navigate to the POS module and Add the Customer to the sale.

  2. Click the Exchange Item button from the bottom navigation bar of the Transaction screen.    

  3. The Exchange Item prompt will open.  Select the Searching the Inventory for an Item Using a General Search option – then, enter your search term in the Value to Search For field and click OK.

  4. If multiple items are returned, you will be prompted to select the desired item from a list – do so, then click OK to proceed.  

  5. The item is added to the sale with a negative quantity and price.  Next, add the replacement item to the sale, as normal.    

  6. Click the Checkout button to Tender the Transaction.    

Exchange by Advanced Search

Exchanges can also be processed using an "Advanced Search" option.  This search is conducted like an Advanced Search and searches the Inventory module for exchangeable items:  

NOTE:  Use this method with caution - it does not reference the original purchase.

  1. Navigate to the POS module and Add the Customer to the sale.

  2. Click the Exchange Item button from the bottom navigation bar of the Transaction screen.  

  3. The Exchange Item prompt will open.  Select the Searching the Inventory for an Item Using an Advanced Search option, then click OK.

  4. The Advanced Search window will open, allowing you to conduct an Advanced Search for the item.

  5. If multiple items are returned, you will be prompted to select the desired item from a list – do so, then click OK to proceed.  

  6. The item is added to the sale with a negative quantity and price.  Next, add the replacement item to the sale, as normal.    

  7. Click the Checkout button to Tender the Transaction

Serial Swap

A Serial Swap is a special kind of exchange that can be used for quickly swapping a serialized item for another of the exact same type: 

[NOTE:  This is particularly useful for swapping cellular phones in the case of an RMA.  In this case, the serial swap allows you to return the phone while maintaining the plan selection, as well as AR and Inventory history.] 

  1. First, start a new exchange using any of the exchange methods outlined above.  

  2. Once the item to be exchanged is added to the transaction with a negative quantity and price, add the identical item to the sale by scanning (or manually entering) its serial, then click OK.    

  3. Aria will detect that an identical item has been added and a Serial Swap prompt will appear.  Click OK.    

  4. You will be asked if the item being returned is defective/damaged.  If you select OK, the item will be moved to the damaged location in inventory.

  5. A confirmation of the Serial Swap will open – click OK to proceed.

  6. The transaction will complete – no other action is required, and the sale does not need to be tendered.

[NOTE:  No receipt is produced for a Serial Swap and the transaction record will not reflect in the Journal.] 

      7. A record of the transaction can be printed, if desired, that reflects the serialized item being returned along with the item it was swapped for.